Event one

Revision as of 02:36, 3 August 2014 by RubberduckJ35 (Talk | contribs)

The newest center district changes looks like they will be the following:

The center district GF crew has a crew boost, additional income as a shared % of the mayor taxes other district pays, as well as a modified title.

This option can be toggled on/off and has a 1 week ramp up feature (It can not just instantly be turned on and work)

This allows the members to determine if they want to run their city with 1 man on top - or not. The decision is yours.

If a center district's GF is killed, a GF from another district of the same city can move in, and bring up to 2 crews of his own as a free move (Move HQ/Forts/DFPs at no cost).

A Don crew can do a free move if he is first to move in, once this is done, no free moves may happen.

There will be a meeting in #centerstuffs on irc Saturday the 2nd at 20:00 for users (especially non upper structure users) to pitch ideas on ways we can improve this to benefit the majority.
