Frequently Asked Questions

Revision as of 18:41, 4 June 2014 by RubberduckJ35 (Talk | contribs) (Questions)


Hello and welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page.
Here you will be able to find answers to the most frequently asked questions within MafiaReturns.


Why do I have a -48 beside my name?
When you view your profile, if you see a -48 next to your name, it means that your account is under two days old. There are two ways to get rid of this; joining a family, or staying alive for longer than 48 hours.

Are there any timers?
Yes, there are plenty of timers to help you out with remembering when you can petty, felony, travel, attack, and break people out of jail. The most commonly used are located at the following location. There are several options for your to choose from. This page is located in the Mangement Menu.

How do I make money?
There are quite a few ways to make yourself some money. One rather important way to make yourself money is drug running(buying drugs low, and selling them at a higher price.) Doing petty crimes and felony's will also make you money, as well as help you get your gun(you need 75 successful petty crimes to attain your gun.) You could also try your hand at selling crackdowns, or making profile pictures for people.

Why would someone be “Dishonorably Discharged” or get banned?
There are several reasons one would be banned from Mafia Returns, first being cheating. When you sign up for the game you agree to a set of rules stating that you will only have one account. You will not allow others to use that account or use other people's accounts. You agree to follow the game rules. If you break these rules you will lose your account. Depending on the severity and repetition of the same rule breaking a ban may be put into place. Anything that is racist, sexually discriminating, or otherwise offencive is grounds for an administrator assisted death, commonly known as a Dishonorable Discharge. Spamming the forums or others in mail is grounds for a Dishonorable Discharge. If you use an automation program, macro, to play the game for you... You will lose your account. If one repeatedly breaks the rules they will be banned for a length of time to be determined by the administrator administering the ban.

What is a "Doppelganger"?
A Doppelganger is someone who has more than one account at a time. It is of the utmost importance that each player only has one account at a time, and if you're found to be playing from more than one account without reporting the IP SHARING then you will be admin wacked and labelled as a "Doppelganger."

Why can't I see everyone in my locals?
Your ability to see people in the locals, more commonly referred to as your ‘vision' depends on the amount of stealth skill the other person has and your info skill. If their stealth is higher than your info skill you are unable to see them.

Where do I see who shot me?
You can not see who shot you unless they missed. If you are lucky enough to survive you can view news of your attack in your “Personals” located in the News and Info menu or by clicking the “DL” logo on the top left of your page. In order to figure out who your killer was you'd have to make a new account and search around to see if anyone caught the "witness statement."(Every shot that's taken, there's a statement sent out to a random person in the same city as you and if you chance upon the statement then you'll know who killed you.) Otherwise, unless the hitter is bragging about the shot, there's no way to tell.

What are "Personal Messages" and how can I view them?
Personal messages or “events” can by viewed by clicking the “DL” logo at the top left of your screen or by going to the News and Info menu and selecting “Personals”. This is where news of attacks, gifts, invites to families, invites to multi player crimes, rewards for voting, when you start a range, and even who broke you out of jail goes. When an important event happens the “DL” logo will flash.

How do I see who is in the same city as as me?
You can see the people who are in the same city as you HERE or go to the News and Info Menu and select "Locals". Although the only people you'll be able to see are those with a lower stealth than your info(See above, "Why can't I see everyone in my locals?")

How do I search a name?
Search. You can search either part of a name(Example: Help, would bring up HelpDesk.) or a whole name, and if they are still in the database, they will be listed. The Search function is located in the News and Info menu.

How do I see who the Administrators are?
Directory will show you a list of the Administrators, and details on their respective jobs. They can also be spotted easily as their names appear in blue, purple, and sometimes gold at the top of the online list next to HelpDesk.

How do I donate and get Crackdowns?
Donate is the newly implemented system, the more you buy, the more you get off! This is also where you can transfer credits to another player. You can find this in the Management Menu. You can also find crackdowns for sale using the new “Credit Marketplace” in your Management menu or at Marketplace

Can I add friends so I can see them? (Contact List)
Contacts, contacts must be enabled in order for it to make a difference. You can either add the name through here, or click on their profiles and hit (add to contacts.) When this is done, and they're online, they will show up as blue instead of white. This can be found in the Managemeny Menu.