Organized Crimes

Revision as of 21:45, 12 October 2012 by Ricky (Talk | contribs)

Crime Types

Steal From an Art Gallery

Steal some valuable works of art with your fellow mafiosos. You need a minimum of two people for this crime, It is unlocked at Made Man

Run a Loansharking Operation

People need money, Loan it to them with interest - They don't pay up? You know what to do. You need a minimum of three people for this crime. This crime is unlocked when you rank to Capo.

Torch a Rival's Business

Somebody on the other side of town is stepping on some toes and creating unwanted competition - Make them go away. You need a minimum of four people for this crime. This crime is unlocked when you rank to Boss.

Raid a Trucking Depot

You've gotten word that there is some valuable loot going out for delivery today, maybe that stuff goes to you instead. Make it happen. You need a minimum of five people for this crime. This crime is unlocked when you rank to Consigliere.

Picking Your Men

You want to pick the most experienced mafiosos you can find. But remember, If you're in your home city you can only commit your crime with other members of your city, If you're in another city - you can only commit crimes with the members of the city you're in and your home city members. You wouldn't want to step on any toes would you?