Corrupt Agents

Revision as of 19:46, 18 October 2012 by Philli-Stein (Talk | contribs) (added note on cost to buy drugs from CAs)

Corrupt Agents, also known as Crooked Agents or CAs are a type of NPC (non-player characters) that you are able to purchase with credits. They provide multiple benefits.


  • Each Corrupt Agents produces cocaine each day that you are able to sell.
    • You buy the cocaine at a special, below minimum price of $4,500 per unit.
    • The drugs sell at the price of cocaine in the city you are in.
    • You may save up your Corrupt Agents drugs to sell at a higher price.
  • They help you stay out of jail when you fail a jail break or a drug purchase.
    • They also keep your crew members out of jail for these crimes.
  • You or a member of your crew may wack your Corrupt Agent without any risk of them shooting back.
  • While you have a Corrupt Agent on the payroll, you do not have to Tip up the local FBN Officer to gain drug units.


  • You may own two Corrupt Agents at a time.
  • Produces drugs each day for 30 days.
  • After 31 days they are forcefully retired from the force.
  • Corrupt Agents are loosely associated with the owners crew.
    • Corrupt Agents will attack anyone who attempts to wack any CA if they are not in that Corrupt Agents crew.
  • Any drugs are lost when the CA dies or is retired.
  • Corrupt Agents are given a random name when purchased.
  • Corrupt Agents are anonymous. Your enemies will have no idea which one is yours.
  • You are able to see your Corrupt Agents age in its profile but nobody else is.
  • If your character dies your new character will inherit the loyalty of the Corrupt Agents.
    • They however will not give your new character any drugs previously saved up.
  • You are able to read any Mail and Personals your Corrupt Agents receive.

Just How Profitable Are They?

Click here to view a chart of the most recent top earning Corrupt Agents

  • Note that Corrupt Agents only appear on this list after they are retired or dead.