Profit (Tab)

Revision as of 19:51, 8 January 2022 by LFP (Talk | contribs) (Felony Crime)


WIP, obv.


Petty Crime

A Petty Crime can be attempted every 3 minutes and 20 seconds. It is the easiest way to make money and gain experience in MafiaReturns. There are four Petty Crimes in total, each one being harder to complete, and having a bigger payout than the last. After you attempt a Petty Crime, a timer will start counting down from 3 minutes 20 seconds in the game. If you click on the Petty Crime action before this time is up, it does not affect anything and will not reset the timer back to 3 minutes 20 seconds.

You can purchase the Petty Proficiency Perk to gain a 10% chance that your Petty timer will not be used when you commit a Petty. This is a 30 day subscription for the cost of one credit and can be renewed.

The only time that Petty crimes are not available to you, is when you first start your life of crime. You will begin with Jobs available instead, these are jobs created by the crews that are currently available to join, do these jobs to make yourself known and only once you join a crew or gain an understanding of the work, should you then move forward onto Petty Crimes. (Jobs can be easily turned off when on the select petty page, but once turned off you cannot turn it back on)

Petty Crime Information
Snatch A Purse
  • You will typically gain between $50 and $300 for each successful crime.
  • You are able to do these crimes as soon as you make an account, provided jobs are turned off.
Con A Poor Schlub
  • You will typically gain between $150 and $400 for each successful crime.
  • You are able to do these crimes almost as soon as you make an account, provided jobs are turned off.
Extort A Shop Owner
  • You will typically gain between $300 and $500 for each successful crime.
  • You are able to do these crimes after a few attempts at an easier Petty Crime.
Knock Over A Post Office
  • You will typically gain between $300 and $500 for each successful crime.
  • You are able to do these crimes after a few attempts at an easier Petty Crime.

Felony Crime

A Felony Crime can be attempted every 12 minutes. This is another easy way to earn money and experience. These crimes are available based on character level, rather than rank. The first crime becomes available when you gain your 15th unit, with further crimes becoming available each five levels thereafter until 60. Like Petty Crimes, each unlocked crime earns you more money and experience than the last. After you attempt a Felony Crimes, a timer will start counting down from 12 minutes in the game. If you click on the Felony Crimes action before this time is up, it does not affect anything and will not reset the timer back to 12 minutes.

You cannot be invited to participate in Organized Crimes while your Felony timer is active. Also, if you accept an Organized Crimes invitation and then commit a felony, the time remaining will be added to your timer upon successful completion of the Organized Crimes.

You can purchase the Felony Proficiency Perk to gain a 10% chance that your Felony timer will not be used when you commit a Felony. This is a 30 day subscription to the perk at the cost of 1 credit and can be renewed like other perks.

Felony Crime Information
Run A Prostitution Ring
  • You will typically gain between $200 and $450 for each successful crime.
  • You are able to do these crimes when you reach Level 15.
Pick a Hartmann lock
  • You will typically gain between $200 and $450 for each successful crime.
  • You are able to do these crimes when you reach Level 15.
Crack a Victor safe
  • You will typically gain between $200 and $450 for each successful crime.
  • You are able to do these crimes when you reach Level 20.
Rob A Bank
  • You will typically gain between $500 and $800 for each successful crime.
  • You are able to do these crimes when you reach Level 25.
Pick a Deluxe lock
  • You will typically gain between $500 and $800 for each successful crime.
  • You are able to do these crimes when you reach Level 25.
Crack a Yale safe
  • You will typically gain between $500 and $800 for each successful crime.
  • You are able to do these crimes when you reach Level 30.
Do A Truck Heist
  • You will typically gain between $800 and $1300 for each successful crime.
  • You are able to do these crimes when you reach Level 35.
Pick an Independent lock
  • You will typically gain between $800 and $1300 for each successful crime.
  • You are able to do these crimes when you reach Level 35.
Crack a National safe
  • You will typically gain between $800 and $1300 for each successful crime.
  • You are able to do these crimes when you reach Level 40.
Blackmail the Mayor
  • You will typically gain between $800 and $1300 for each successful crime.
  • You are able to do these crimes when you reach Level 45.
Pick an Everlasting lock
  • You will typically gain between $800 and $1300 for each successful crime.
  • You are able to do these crimes when you reach Level 45.
Crack a Schwab safe
  • You will typically gain between $800 and $1300 for each successful crime.
  • You are able to do these crimes when you reach Level 50.
Kidnap and ransom
  • You will typically gain between $800 and $1300 for each successful crime.
  • You are able to do these crimes when you reach Level 55.
Pick a Zephyr lock
  • You will typically gain between $800 and $1300 for each successful crime.
  • You are able to do these crimes when you reach Level 55.
Crack a Morris safe
  • You will typically gain between $800 and $1300 for each successful crime.
  • You are able to do these crimes when you reach Level 60.

Organized Crime

Organized crimes involve several people and can be started by a player once every 7 hours and 40 minutes, although a player may accept limitless invites to Organized Crimes started by other players. If you want to be involved in another users Organized Crime (OC) you must keep your Felony timer 'open', which means allowing your Felony timer to count all the way down to zero, and not committing another Felony until you have received the invite, once invited you may complete a felony crime however if the organized crime is successful your felony timer have 18 minutes added to it on top of however long was left on the timer previously. If however the crimes fails, the timer will reset to 12 minutes. Using the Crew Chat to advertise that you have an OC ready to run is a good way of getting other people to be available for your crime.

Invitations to Organized Crimes can only be sent to certain characters. The mastermind of an OC can invite any fellow crew member from their own family or anyone from their home city. The mastermind can also invite any character whose home city is the same as the city in which the OC is being run. For example, a player running an OC in Chicago could only invite characters from his own city or whose home city is Chicago.

Organized Crime Information
Steal From An Art Gallery
  • You need a minimum of two people, including yourself, to attempt this crime.
  • This crime is unlocked at the Made Man rank.
  • You will earn $132,000 from this crime, split between all participants.
Run A Loansharking Operation
  • You need a minimum of three people, including yourself, to attempt this crime.
  • This crime is unlocked at the Capo rank.
  • You will typically earn between $231,000 and $235,000 from this crime, split between all participants.
Torch A Rival's Business
  • You need a minimum of four people, including yourself, to attempt this crime.
  • This crime is unlocked at the Boss rank.
  • You will typically earn between $350,000 and $355,000 from this crime, split between all participants.
Raid A Trucking Depot
  • You need a minimum of five people, including yourself, to attempt this crime.
  • This crime is unlocked at Consigliere rank.
  • You will typically earn between $545,000 and $550,000 from this crime, split between all participants.

Picking Your Participants

Picking who to invite to your crime will depend on a few factors:

  • What kind of payout you want;
  • What odds of success you want;
  • What OC you want to committ;
  • Your home city;
  • Their home city.

The lower the rank of the participants, the lower their share, and the higher your share. For example, to get the best payout from your OC, you could invite Thug's, with most of the overall money then going to you. However, this will give you very poor odds of success. For the best odds of success, you will want to pick the highest ranked people available. Also, as detailed above, each crime requires a different number of people, which could also factor in to who you pick to be involved. While in your home city, you may only invite people also from your home city. While in another city, you may only invite people from your home city, and the city that you are committing the crime in.

Train Bodyguards


Durden Raid


The Daily Hustle



Visit Drug Dealer

Buying and selling drugs will be one of your main sources of income in Mafia Returns. Through a simple process of buying drugs at low prices and selling them at high prices in various cities, you will be able to make a considerable amount of money. The prices of drugs in each District will change frequently. This makes it possible for you to make a profit without moving city. However, flying around the game to different cities will often yield better results as the variation of price can be much greater. You can do this via the Airport. You can also pay for drug Tips by bribing the city FBN agent.

Name of the Drug LA/LV Low Price LA/LV High Price
Marijuana $5 $318
Mushrooms $74 $529
Hashish $263 $897
Opium $317 $882
Amphetamines $510 $1059
Grain Alcohol $845 $1036
Morphine $887 $2247
Barbiturates $2411 $6136
Heroin $4510 $8880
Cocaine $5147 $9578
Name of the Drug CH/DT Low Price CH/DT High Price
Marijuana $4 $345
Mushrooms $62 $598
Hashish $231 $1024
Opium $269 $1004
Amphetamines $442 $1208
Grain Alcohol $206 $1199
Morphine $780 $2623
Barbiturates $2019 $6913
Heroin $3970 $10518
Cocaine $5209 $10063
Name of the Drug NY/PH Low Price NY/PH High Price
Marijuana $5 $313
Mushrooms $72 $528
Hashish $256 $895
Opium $308 $894
Amphetamines $510 $1059
Grain Alcohol $845 $1028
Morphine $863 $2270
Barbiturates $2378 $6107
Heroin $4637 $8959
Cocaine $5357 $9663

Please note: The two extremes are very rarely reached. It's more common to see Cocaine in the 5k range, and the maximum is in the 9k range. Apply this logic to all of the drug prices mentioned above.

Search for Drug Deals

Drugs found in the Search For Drugs page are those produced by Drug Front Property owners. This is why the cost of the drugs is high, however if the local dealer is selling for a higher rate than the DFP owner then there is still profit to be made, selling drugs is a good way to gain XP so you should always take the deal if it involves even a small profit.

You must purchase the maximum which you can hold, if you can hold 20 units and the DFP owner is selling 20 units or more, then you can only purchase these drugs if you can afford the 20 units. You may repeat a purchase as often as possible, if the DFP owner is selling 60 units and you can hold 20, then you can buy 20 and sell to the local dealer then return to the DFP owner and buy another 20 units, just be cautious that the local dealers price hasn't changed or you could be stuck with high value drugs to sell.


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